Source code for higlass.api

from __future__ import annotations

import functools
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import (

import higlass_schema as hgs
from pydantic import RootModel

import higlass._display as display
import higlass._utils as utils

__all__ = [

    from higlass.server import TilesetResource

## Mixins

# Can't figure out a good way to type these classes.
# We ignoring the errors in the parameter signature
# mean we can get good type information within the
# function and return types are inferred for end users.

class _PropertiesMixin:
    def properties(
        self: utils.ModelT,  # type: ignore
        inplace: bool = False,
        **fields,  # type: ignore
    ) -> utils.ModelT:  # type: ignore
        """Configures top-level properties.

        Updates top-level properties for a Track, View, or Viewconf. This
        is really a convenience to allow method chaining/derived objects
        to be created without multiple lines of mutating the classes. For

        >>> view = hg.view(hg.track("heatmap"))
        >>> updated_view =
        >>> assert view.uid != updated_view.uid
        >>> assert view.zoomFixed is None
        >>> assert updated_view.zoomFixed is True

        inplace : bool, optional
            Whether to modify the existing track in place or return
            a new track with the options applied (default: `False`).

        **fields : dict
            The updated properties for .

        track : A track with the the newly specified track options.

        model = self if inplace else utils.copy_unique(self)
        for k, v in fields.items():
            setattr(model, k, v)
        return model

class _OptionsMixin:
    def opts(
        self: TrackT,  # type: ignore
        inplace: bool = False,
    ) -> TrackT:  # type: ignore
        """Configures options for a Track.

        A convenience method to update `track.options`.

        inplace : bool, optional
            Whether to modify the existing track in place or return
            a new track with the options applied (default: `False`).

        **options : dict
            Options to pass down to the underlying track object.

        track : A track with the the newly specified track options.

        >>> track = hg.track("heatmap")
        >>> derived = track.opts(colorRange=["rgba(255,255,255,1)", "rgba(0,0,0,1)"])
        >>> assert track.options is None
        >>> assert isinstance(derived.options["colorRange"], list)

        track = self if inplace else utils.copy_unique(self)
        if track.options is None:
            track.options = {}
        return track

class _TilesetMixin:
    def tileset(
        self: TrackT,  # type: ignore
        tileset: TilesetResource,
        inplace: bool = False,
    ) -> TrackT:  # type: ignore
        """Replace or add a tileset to a Track.

        A convenience method to update a track with a tileset.

        tileset : TilesetResource
            A tileset resource returned from `hg.server`.

        inplace : bool, optional
            Whether to modify the existing track in place or return
            a new track (default: `False`)

        track : A track with the bound tileset.

        track = self if inplace else utils.copy_unique(self)
        track.server = tileset.server
        track.tilesetUid = tileset.tileset.uid
        return track

## Extend higlass-schema classes

[docs] class EnumTrack(hgs.EnumTrack, _OptionsMixin, _PropertiesMixin, _TilesetMixin): """Represents a generic track.""" ...
[docs] class HeatmapTrack(hgs.HeatmapTrack, _OptionsMixin, _PropertiesMixin, _TilesetMixin): """Represets a specialized heatmap track.""" ...
[docs] class IndependentViewportProjectionTrack( hgs.IndependentViewportProjectionTrack, _OptionsMixin, _PropertiesMixin, _TilesetMixin, ): """Represents a view-independent viewport projection track.""" ...
[docs] class CombinedTrack(hgs.CombinedTrack, _OptionsMixin, _PropertiesMixin, _TilesetMixin): """Represents a track combining multiple tracks.""" ...
[docs] class PluginTrack(hgs.BaseTrack, _OptionsMixin, _PropertiesMixin, _TilesetMixin): """Represents an unknown plugin track.""" plugin_url: ClassVar[str]
Track = Union[ HeatmapTrack, IndependentViewportProjectionTrack, EnumTrack, CombinedTrack, PluginTrack, ] TrackT = TypeVar("TrackT", bound=Track)
[docs] class View(hgs.View[TrackT], _PropertiesMixin, Generic[TrackT]): """Represets a HiGlass View that is generic over the inner tracks."""
[docs] def domain( self, x: hgs.Domain | None = None, y: hgs.Domain | None = None, inplace: bool = False, ): """Configures the view x and/or y domain(s). Parameters ---------- x : tuple[float, float], optional The x domain for the view (default: `None`) y : tuple[float, float], optional The y domain for the view (default: `None`) inplace : bool, optional Whether to modify this view inplace. If `False` (default), a new view is created and returned with the domains applied (default: `False`) Returns ------- view : a View with the updated x & y domains """ view = self if inplace else utils.copy_unique(self) if x is not None: view.initialXDomain = x if y is not None: view.initialYDomain = y return view
def __or__(self, other: View[TrackT] | Viewconf[TrackT]): """Horizontally concatenate with another view or viewconf. A convenience method for `hg.hconcat`. Parameters ---------- other : View | Viewconf The other view or viewconf to combine with. Returns ------- viewconf : A combined Viewconf """ return hconcat(self, other) def __truediv__(self, other: View[TrackT] | Viewconf[TrackT]): """Vertically concatenate two Views. A convenience method for `hg.vconcat`. Parameters ---------- other : View | Viewconf The other view or viewconf to combine with. Returns ------- viewconf : A combined Viewconf """ return vconcat(self, other)
[docs] def clone(self): """Clone the the View instance. Inserts a unique uuid so the view can be uniquely identified in the front end. Returns ------- view : A copy of the original view with a new uuid """ return utils.copy_unique(self)
[docs] def viewconf(self, **kwargs): """Consumes the current View into a top-level view config. Returns ------- viewconf : A top-level HiGlass Viewconf. """ return Viewconf[TrackT](views=[self], **kwargs)
def _repr_mimebundle_(self, include=None, exclude=None): """ "Displays the view in an IPython environment.""" return self.viewconf()._repr_mimebundle_(include, exclude)
[docs] def widget(self, **kwargs): """Create a Jupyter Widget display for this view. Casts the view into a top-level view config which can be displayed. Returns ------- widget : A HiGlassWidget instance """ return self.viewconf().widget(**kwargs)
[docs] def project( self, view: View, on: Literal["center", "top", "bottom", "left", "right"] = "center", inplace: bool = False, **kwargs, ): """Project a different viewport onto this view. Creates a viewport-projection track whos bounds are synchonrized with an existing, separate view. Parameters ---------- view : View The view with the desired viewport to project. on : Literal["center", "top", "bottom", "left", "right"], optional Where to project the viewport on this view (default: "center"). inplace : bool Whether to modify this view inplace, or alternatively return a new view (default: `False`). **kwargs : dict Additional parameters for the created viewport-projection track. Returns ------- view : A view with a new viewport-projection track. """ new_view = self if inplace else utils.copy_unique(self) # projection track type from position if on == "center": track_type = "viewport-projection-center" elif on == "top" or on == "bottom": track_type = "viewport-projection-horizontal" elif on == "left" or on == "right": track_type = "viewport-projection-vertical" else: raise ValueError("Not possible") if getattr(new_view.tracks, on) is None: setattr(new_view.tracks, on, []) trk = track(type_=track_type, fromViewUid=view.uid, **kwargs) getattr(new_view.tracks, on).append(trk) return new_view
ViewT = TypeVar("ViewT", bound=View) def gather_plugin_urls(views: list[ViewT]) -> list[str]: """Inspect tracks and extract plugin urls to inject into HTML.""" plugin_urls = {} for view in views: for _, track in view.tracks: if isinstance(track, PluginTrack): plugin_urls[track.type] = track.plugin_url return list(plugin_urls.values())
[docs] class Viewconf(hgs.Viewconf[View[TrackT]], _PropertiesMixin, Generic[TrackT]): """Represents a top-level viewconfig, or a complete HiGlass visualization.""" def _repr_mimebundle_(self, include=None, exclude=None): """ "Displays the view config in an IPython environment.""" renderer = display.renderers.get() plugin_urls = [] if self.views is None else gather_plugin_urls(self.views) return renderer(self.model_dump(), plugin_urls=plugin_urls)
[docs] def widget(self, **kwargs): """Create a Jupyter Widget display for this view config.""" from higlass._widget import HiGlassWidget return HiGlassWidget(self.model_dump(), **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def from_url(cls, url: str, **kwargs): """Load a viewconf via URL and construct a Viewconf. Makes an HTTP request. Parameters ---------- url : str The URL for a JSON HiGlass view config. **kwargs : dict Options for the `urllib.Request` instance. Returns ------- viewconf : The parsed view config """ import urllib.request as urllib request = urllib.Request(url, **kwargs) with urllib.urlopen(request) as response: raw = return cls.model_validate_json(raw)
[docs] def locks( self, *locks: hgs.Lock | hgs.ValueScaleLock, zoom: list[hgs.Lock] | hgs.Lock | None = None, location: list[hgs.Lock] | hgs.Lock | None = None, value_scale: list[hgs.ValueScaleLock] | hgs.ValueScaleLock | None = None, inplace: bool = False, ): """Specify view locks. Parameters ---------- *locks : hgs.Lock | hgs.ValueScaleLock, optional A set of either zoom/location or value scale locks to add. Instances of `hgs.Lock` will synchronize _both_ zoom and location for the views included in the lock. If you'd like to synchronize just zoom or location, use the explicit keyword arguments below. zoom : hgs.Lock | list[hgs.Lock], optional A lock or set of locks to synchronize only the zoom. location : hgs.Lock | list[hgs.Lock], optional A lock or set of locks to synchronize only the location. value_scale : hgs.ValueScaleLock | list[hgs.ValueScaleLock], optional A single or set of value-scale locks. inplace : bool, optional Whether to modify the viewconf in place or return a new viewconf with the locks applied (default: `False`) Returns ------- viewconf : A Viewconf with the synchronized views. Examples -------- >>> view1 = hg.view(hg.track("heatmap")) >>> view2 = hg.view(hg.track("heatmap")) >>> # create an abstract lock for two views >>> view_lock = hg.lock(view1, view2) >>> # lock location & zoom >>> (view1 | view2).lock(view_lock) >>> # lock only zoom >>> (view1 | view2).lock(zoom=view_lock) >>> # lock only location >>> (view1 | view2).lock(location=view_lock) """ conf = self if inplace else utils.copy_unique(self) zoom = utils.ensure_list(zoom) location = utils.ensure_list(location) value_scale = utils.ensure_list(value_scale) shared_locks: list[hgs.Lock] = [] for lock in locks: if isinstance(lock, hgs.Lock): shared_locks.append(lock) else: value_scale.append(lock) zoom.extend(shared_locks) location.extend(shared_locks) if conf.zoomLocks is None: conf.zoomLocks = hgs.ZoomLocks() for lock in zoom: assert isinstance(lock.uid, str) conf.zoomLocks.locksDict[lock.uid] = lock for vuid, _ in lock: conf.zoomLocks.locksByViewUid[vuid] = lock.uid if conf.locationLocks is None: conf.locationLocks = hgs.LocationLocks() for lock in location: assert isinstance(lock.uid, str) conf.locationLocks.locksDict[lock.uid] = lock for vuid, _ in lock: conf.locationLocks.locksByViewUid[vuid] = lock.uid if conf.valueScaleLocks is None: conf.valueScaleLocks = hgs.ValueScaleLocks() for lock in value_scale: assert isinstance(lock.uid, str) conf.valueScaleLocks.locksDict[lock.uid] = lock for vuid, _ in lock: conf.valueScaleLocks.locksByViewUid[vuid] = lock.uid return conf
def __or__(self, other: View[TrackT] | Viewconf[TrackT]) -> Viewconf[TrackT]: """Horizontally concatenate with another view or viewconf. A convenience method for `hg.hconcat`. Parameters ---------- other : View | Viewconf The other view or viewconf to combine with. Returns ------- viewconf : A combined Viewconf """ return hconcat(self, other) def __truediv__(self, other: View[TrackT] | Viewconf[TrackT]) -> Viewconf[TrackT]: """Vertically concatenate with another view or viewconf. A convenience method for `hg.hconcat`. Parameters ---------- other : View | Viewconf The other view or viewconf to combine with. Returns ------- viewconf : A combined Viewconf """ return vconcat(self, other)
TrackTA = TypeVar("TrackTA", bound=Track) TrackTB = TypeVar("TrackTB", bound=Track)
[docs] def concat( method: Literal["horizontal", "vertical"], a: View[TrackTA] | Viewconf[TrackTA], b: View[TrackTB] | Viewconf[TrackTB], ) -> Viewconf[TrackTA | TrackTB]: """Concatenate two views or separate viewconfs together. Uses the layout of one view or the total bounds of all views in one viewconf to offset the other view/viewconf. Parameters ---------- method : Literal["horizontal", "vertical"] How to concatenate views/viewconfs. a : View | Viewconf A view or viewconf to combine. b : View | Viewconf The other view or viewconf to combine. Returns ------- viewconf : A combined viewconf containing multiple views. """ a = a.viewconf() if isinstance(a, View) else a assert a.views is not None b = b.viewconf() if isinstance(b, View) else b assert b.views is not None if method == "vertical": def mapper(view): return view.layout.y + view.layout.h field = "y" elif method == "horizontal": def mapper(view): return view.layout.x + view.layout.w field = "x" else: raise ValueError("concat method must be 'vertical' or 'horizontal'.") # gather views and adjust layout views = [v.model_copy(deep=True) for v in b.views] offset = 0 if a.views is None else max(map(mapper, a.views)) for view in views: curr = getattr(view.layout, field) setattr(view.layout, field, curr + offset) a.views.extend(views) # type: ignore # merge locks for lockattr in ["zoomLocks", "valueScaleLocks", "locationLocks"]: locks = getattr(b, lockattr) if locks: if getattr(a, lockattr) is None: setattr(a, lockattr, locks.model_copy(deep=True)) else: getattr(a, lockattr).locksByViewUid.update(locks.locksByViewUid) getattr(a, lockattr).locksDict.update(locks.locksDict) return cast(Viewconf[Union[TrackTA, TrackTB]], a)
hconcat = functools.partial(concat, "horizontal") vconcat = functools.partial(concat, "vertical") ## Top-level functions to easily create tracks, # TODO: register plugins globally to work here? class _TrackCreator(RootModel): """Create track instances from their track type. Used internally by `hg.track` to leverage pydantic's ability to get the appropriate base model by the track type. Example: ------- >>> assert isinstance(_TrackCreator(type="heatmap").root, HeatmapTrack) """ root: Track @overload def track(type_: hgs.EnumTrackType, uid: str | None = None, **kwargs) -> EnumTrack: ... @overload def track( type_: Literal["heatmap"], uid: str | None = None, **kwargs ) -> HeatmapTrack: ... @overload def track(type_: str, uid: str | None = None, **kwargs) -> PluginTrack: ...
[docs] def track( type_: hgs.EnumTrackType | Literal["heatmap"] | str, uid: str | None = None, **kwargs, ) -> Track: """Create a HiGlass track. Parameters ---------- type_ : str The track type to create uid: str, optional A unique id for the track. If unspecified (default), a unique id is given internally. **kwargs: dict Other top-level track properties. Returns ------- track : An instance of an hg.Track """ if uid is None: uid = utils.uid() data = dict(type=type_, uid=uid, **kwargs) return _TrackCreator.model_validate(data).root
[docs] def view( *_tracks: TrackT | tuple[TrackT, utils.TrackPosition] | hgs.Tracks[TrackT], x: int = 0, y: int = 0, width: int = 12, height: int = 6, tracks: hgs.Tracks[TrackT] | None = None, layout: hgs.Layout | None = None, uid: str | None = None, **kwargs, ) -> View[TrackT]: """Create a HiGlass view from multiple tracks. Parameters ---------- *_tracks : Track | tuple[Track, str] | hgs.Tracks[Track] The tracks to include in the view. Can be 1) separate track objects (position inferred), 2) explicit (Track, position) tuples, or 3.) a `higlass_schema.Tracks` Object specifying all tracks and positions. x : int, optional The x position of the view in the HiGlass grid (default: 0). Used to created a Layout if none is provided. y : int, optional The y position of the view in the HiGlass grid (default: 0). Used to created a Layout if none is provided. width : int, optional The width of the view (default: 12). Used to created a Layout if none is provided. height : int, optional The height of the view (default: 6). Used to created a Layout if none is provided. layout : hgs.Layout, optional An explicit layout for the view (default: None). If provided the `x`, `y`, `width`, and `height` parameters are ignored. uid: str, optional A unique id for the view. If unspecified (default), a unique id is automatically generated internally. **kwargs: dict Other top-level view properties. Returns ------- view : An instance of an hg.View """ if layout is None: layout = hgs.Layout(x=x, y=y, w=width, h=height) else: layout = hgs.Layout(**layout.model_dump()) if tracks is None: data = defaultdict(list) else: data = defaultdict(list, tracks.model_dump()) for track in _tracks: if isinstance(track, hgs.Tracks): track = track.model_dump() for position, track_list in track.items(): data[position].extend(track_list) else: if isinstance(track, tuple): track, position = track else: position = utils.track_default_position.get(track.type) if position is None: raise ValueError("No default track type") data[position].append(track) if uid is None: uid = utils.uid() return View[TrackT]( layout=layout, tracks=hgs.Tracks[TrackT](**data), uid=uid, **kwargs, )
[docs] def combine(t1: Track, t2: Track, uid: str | None = None, **kwargs) -> CombinedTrack: """A utility to create a CombinedTrack from two other tracks. Parameters ---------- t1 : hg.Track The first of two tracks to combine. t2 : hg.Track The second of two tracks to combine. uid : str, optional A unique id for the newly created CombinedTrack. **kwargs : dict Additional properties to pass to the CombinedTrack constructor. Returns ------- combined_track : An CombinedTrack with two children tracks. """ if uid is None: uid = utils.uid() if isinstance(t1, CombinedTrack): copy = CombinedTrack(**t1.model_dump()) copy.contents.append(t2.__class__(**t2.model_dump())) for key, val in kwargs.items(): setattr(copy, key, val) return copy return CombinedTrack( type="combined", uid=uid, contents=[track.__class__(**track.model_dump()) for track in (t1, t2)], **kwargs, )
T = TypeVar("T", bound=Union[EnumTrack, HeatmapTrack])
[docs] def divide(t1: T, t2: T, **kwargs) -> T: """A utility to create a divided track. Tracks must the the same type. Parameters ---------- t1 : hg.EnumTrack | hg.HeatmapTrack The first track to divide by the other. t2 : hg.EnumTrack | hg.HeatmapTrack The other track. **kwargs : dict Additional properties to pass to the newly created track. Returns ------- divided_track : An identical track with "divided" data sources. """ assert t1.type == t2.type, "divided tracks must be same type" assert isinstance(t1.tilesetUid, str) assert isinstance(t1.server, str) assert isinstance(t2.tilesetUid, str) assert isinstance(t2.server, str) copy = utils.copy_unique(t1) copy.tilesetUid = None copy.server = None = hgs.Data( type="divided", children=[ { "tilesetUid": track.tilesetUid, "server": track.server, } for track in (t1, t2) ], ) # overrides for key, val in kwargs.items(): setattr(copy, key, val) return copy
@overload def lock(*views: View, uid: str | None = None) -> hgs.Lock: """Create an abstract lock linking two or more views. Parameters ---------- *views : View Two or more views to synchronize with this lock. uid : str, optional An (optional) unique id for this lock. Returns ------- lock : An abstract lock linking two or more views. """ ... @overload def lock( *pairs: tuple[View, Track], uid: str | None = None, ignoreOffScreenValues: bool | None = None, ) -> hgs.ValueScaleLock: """Create an abstract value-scale lock linking one or more (View, Track) pairs. Parameters ---------- *pairs : tuple[View, Track] One or more (View, Track) pairs specifying a Track whos values should be used to scale all tracks within the View. uid : str, optional An (optional) unique id for this lock. ignoreOffScreenValues : bool, optional Whether to ignore off screen values when scaling the view. Returns ------- lock : A value-scale lock defining how the tracks in a View should be scaled by by a particular track. """ ...
[docs] def lock(*data, uid: str | None = None, **kwargs): """Create an abstract lock or value-scale lock. Overloaded to either return a `hgs.Lock` or `hgs.ValueScaleLock` depending on the arguments. See `Viewconf.locks` for how to use the created locks in your top-level view config. Examples -------- Create an abstract lock linking two or more separate views. >>> view1 = hg.view(hg.track("heatmap")) >>> view2 = hg.view(hg.track("heatmap")) >>> lock = hg.lock(view1, view2) Create a value-scale lock, scaling two views by the values of a particular track. >>> t1 = hg.track("heatmap") >>> t2 = hg.track("heatmap") >>> view1 = hg.view(t1, t2) >>> view2 = hg.view(t1, t2) >>> value_scale_lock = hg.lock((view1, t2), (view2, t2)) """ assert len(data) >= 1 if uid is None: uid = utils.uid() if isinstance(data[0], View): lck = hgs.Lock(uid=uid) for view in data: assert isinstance(view.uid, str) setattr(lck, view.uid, (1, 1, 1)) return lck else: lck = hgs.ValueScaleLock(uid=uid, **kwargs) for view, track in data: assert isinstance(view.uid, str) assert isinstance(track.uid, str) vtuid = f"{view.uid}.{track.uid}" setattr(lck, vtuid, {"track": track.uid, "view": view.uid}) return lck